Member Profile

Mrs. Candace Doby

Industry Professional

The Can-Do Company

Atlanta, GA, 30316

Media & Speech Communication, Keynote speaker, workshop facilitator

15+ Years of Experience

Masters degree, School of Journalism and Mass Communication,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Speaks about

  • courage
  • risk-taking
  • personal development
  • professional development
  • courageous leadership

About Me

My encounter with a middle-school bully sparked a curiosity within me about what helps people confront the risks and challenges facing them. That lasting curiosity morphed into a deep interest in courage, leading me to become a speaker, author and coach who helps emerging leaders at universities and organizations activate personal courage in order to perform to their full potential at work and in the world.

I’ve spent over a decade researching courage, and I combine that research with my experiences leading marketing teams at a global brand, starting a business, and traveling the world solo. This unique combination taught me that courage is a superpower everyone has access to but that most people don’t know how to ignite.

Through my keynotes, workshops and coaching programs, I help people understand and activate personal courage in order to take worthwhile risks and make moves toward their most meaningful goals — goals like speaking up, standing out and staying true to themselves.

I’m so grateful to do this work and witness young leaders put the courage pieces together to level up their personal and professional lives.

Available For

  • Conferences / panels
  • Guest judging
  • Keynotes
  • Media interviews
  • Mentorship
  • Online engagements
  • Q&A sessions
  • Workshops

Online Presence

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Speaker's Experience

No Experience Available.

Academic OR Industry Research Collaboration Interests

No details are available.

Awards and Accomplishments

No details are available.

Alumni Associations

Track & Field Athlete
National Society of Collegiate Scholars

Language(s) of Delivery

No details are available.

No documents have been uploaded.

Books and Publications

Coming soon...

Primary Skills

public speakingleadershipmarketing strategyspeech writingstrategic communication

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