Member Profile

Dr. Darcy Calvillo

California University of Management & Sciences

Anaheim, California, United States

K-12 & Higher Ed Management, Business, Education K-12, Computer Science

15+ Years of Experience

Doctoral or professional degree, Graduate School of Education & Psychology, MBA, USAF Electronic Systems,
Pepperdine University

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Speaks about

  • Business Change & Leadership
  • Education
  • Computer Science
  • Telecommunications

About Me

I have over 20 years of experience in the telecom & IT industry and 20 in Education to include the following qualifications: outstanding organizational and management skills; an efficient and effective management style resulting in high levels of employee morale and productivity; goal-oriented/data-driven; process evaluation & improvement; team-building skills and collaboration; detailed; continuous improvement; and world-class customer-oriented. My various assignments in telecommunications included positions in Military: fixed and tactical; Commercial: Long Distance, Local, Cellular, and Satellite service delivery, customer satisfaction, operations, and engineering. My various assignments in Education include Bilingual, SDC/SDH Special Education, Elementary Multiple subjects, and Higher Ed. Business/Education & Computer Science. Familiar and experienced in the following educational systems: NEO, Sakai, Blackboard, Canvas, Desire2Learn, EPIC, EDMODO, Populi. VMware, SQL & Agile.

Available For

  • Conferences / panels
  • Guest judging
  • In-class lectures
  • Keynotes
  • Media interviews
  • Mentorship
  • Online engagements
  • Q&A sessions
  • Workshops

Online Presence

Speaker's Experience

Commencement Speaker Graduating Class Spring 2019

Industry, California

United States, 04/2019, Conference Center

Professional development for EDMODO LMS system and Curriculum management. (Currently EDMODO Certified and Ambassador)

Inglewood, CA

United States, 02/2013, Classroom

Writing Workshop for Parents

Meeting Hall/Church - 03/2016

Costa Mesa, California, Unitied States

Professional Development host and presenter

Los Angeles Unified School District, 68th St School, Bethune Middle School - 09/2011

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Universal Broadband Networks (Director) Internet Company

Coordinator of training for corporation. Facilitated meetings with corporate level vendors. - 01/2000

Los Angeles, California, United States

MCI Telecom.,Team Lead presenter on process improvement task force.

Corp. Conference centers - 07/1995

Compton , California, United States

Local area Network / Microcomputers in Dorms Project

USAF Academy, Many presentations including General staff. - 01/1986

Colorado Springs,, California, United States

Reporting systems analysis results to 20 Tactical Fight Wing

U.S. Air Force, RAF Uxbridge, RAF Upper Heyford, others UK - 05/1984

Hillingdon, Borough of Hillingdon, United Kingdon

Academic OR Industry Research Collaboration Interests

Educational Leadership & Change
Computer Science
Telecommunications Construction and Management

Awards and Accomplishments

Presidential Award Education in Math & Science in Teaching Nomination
Issued by State of California/US Government Department of Education · Apr 2018
Issued by State of California/US Government Department of Education · Apr 2019
Recommended by Students, Teachers and Parents. Acknowledged by State of California. Recommended by Students, Teachers and Parents. Acknowledged by State of California.

ITT Award Dec 2013
Issued by ITT · Mar 2014 Associated with ITT-Tech
Outstanding Teacher
Issued by Bethune Middle School Students and Staff · Sep 2009Issued by Bethune Middle School Students and Staff · Sep 2009
Voted best teacher by graduating class/studentsVoted best teacher by graduating class/students
Directors Award
Aug 1995
Given to outstanding supporters in Operations, including field support and Sales.Given to outstanding supporters in Operations, including field support and Sales.

Answering the Call
Issued by Network Services Program Support · Jul 1994
Outstanding Commitment to Quality, our customers and MCI's Entrepreneurial Spirit

Decorated Veteran
Issued by US Air Force & US Navy · Jun 1984

Alumni Associations

Former International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Leadership,
Author, Several Journals
Book reviewer for the subject matter topics

Language(s) of Delivery

English, Spanish, German

No videos are available.

Books and Publications

Primary Skills

Business Change & LeadershipEducationComputer ScienceTelecommunications

Badges Received

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