Member Profile

Ms. Melisa Ruscsak

Business Owner, Industry Professional

Trient Press

Mansfield, OH, United States


1-5 Years of Experience

High school diploma

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Speaks about

  • Leadership Marketing
  • Influencer marketing
  • Branding
  • Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • First steps to being an author
  • Pitfalls of publishing
  • Marketing
  • And author is a an entrepreneur
  • Creative writing
  • When to hire and agent
  • Overcoming

About Me

I, M.L. Ruscsak, bring a wealth of expertise and diverse work experiences that span multiple domains, reflecting a commitment to academic rigor and the pursuit of knowledge across various disciplines. My educational journey is a testament to my passion for continuous learning and intellectual exploration, with degrees in Religious Studies, Spiritual Studies, Religion in History, Constitutional Law, Business Law, Finance Law, and Contract Law.

My professional journey as the CEO and founder of Trient Press, a prominent publishing house, has allowed me to shape and influence the world of literature and media. Trient Press, under my guidance, has evolved into a multifaceted entity, encompassing not only traditional publishing but also the engaging world of Dove and Dragon Radio. Through this platform, I engage in insightful conversations with fellow business owners and authors, exploring the intricacies of entrepreneurship and the world of literature. Our podcast series covers a wide array of topics, from travel insights to author tips and tricks, catering to the intellectual curiosity of our audience.

Furthermore, Dove and Dragon Radio is known for its October special, "Witches Hour," which delves into topics ranging from UFO sightings to harvest blessings, demonstrating our commitment to diverse and thought-provoking content.

In addition to my work in the realms of media and publishing, I am a published author known for my unique narrative style. I employ a distinctive tone that effortlessly blends sophistication with accessibility, captivating readers and inspiring critical thinking. An example from my work:

"The room was filled with bundles of wiring. The machine he devised so many years ago with his father. The thing that they never had got working correctly to take fey from one city to another. Yet that is where he found Magnar and Nicco. Both pressing every button, pulling levers, and having no idea what they were even doing. 'What the bloody hell are you two trying to do?' Govard growled as he stormed over before they broke something. And with those two, that something would be him."

This distinctive narrative style has earned recognition and acclaim from both literary enthusiasts and experts in the field.

As I continue to explore the boundaries of knowledge, I am dedicated to creating engaging educational content, courses, and books that reflect my passion for intellectual growth. I firmly believe in the power of critical thinking and open discourse, and I am committed to fostering these skills in my readers and students.

In conclusion, my journey as an entrepreneur, author, and academic reflects a commitment to intellectual curiosity, diverse exploration, and the creation of thought-provoking content. I look forward to sharing my expertise and engaging with audiences who share a similar passion for learning and discourse.

Available For

  • Conferences / panels
  • Guest judging
  • In-class lectures
  • Keynotes
  • Media interviews
  • Mentorship
  • Online engagements
  • Q&A sessions
  • Workshops

Online Presence

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Speaker's Experience

Domestic Violence




Online - 03/2022

Author Mentorship

online - 01/2020

Business Mentorship

online - 08/2020

Academic OR Industry Research Collaboration Interests

No details are available.

Awards and Accomplishments

No details are available.

Alumni Associations

No details are available.

Language(s) of Delivery

No details are available.

No documents have been uploaded.

No videos are available.

Books and Publications

Coming soon...

Primary Skills

Publishing Radio Hosting Authorship Podcasting Business Strategy Legal Expertise Educational Content Creation Critical Thinking Intellectual Exploration Public Speaking Literary Analysis Entrepreneurship Academic Research Multidisciplinary Knowledge Thought Leadership Content Development

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